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Types of parasites in chickens
Parasites in chickens cause serious consequences in the functioning of their body poor laying, stunted growth, deterioration of the health of birds and even death. Birds, i.e. chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants and others - are the feeder and carrier of the parasite, negatively affect the health of birds. Parasites are found in chickens in both cage and free range.
Hens can become infected with internal parasites, e.g. by eating earthworms or snails that carry larvae and eggs of parasites. From the swallowed eggs hatch worms that multiply in the bird's body, which are excreted in the feces of the bird outside, causing infection of subsequent chickens. Eggs can also be found in soil, mulch, water, nests and feed. The most sensitive to infections are chicks, the older the birds are - adult individuals, the more resistant they are.
Parasites found in poultry can be divided into:
Internal parasites in poultry
They live in the bird's body, attacking and destroying internal organs, most often the digestive system. These are,, nematodes, tapeworms, parasites and protozoa.
Ectoparasites in poultry
They live on the skin of birds, feathers and beak cavity, these are mainly tarantulas, lice, ticks, scabies, fleas, mites and ticks. External pests in poultry also accumulate in the crevices of the walls, skirting boards, shutters, frames.
The most common parasites in chickens
Lice are pests that stand out from the parasitic lifestyle, they feed only on birds. They do not pose a danger to humans. Very often they are confused with lice, which live only on mammals.
Chicken lice are small ectoparasites, their size reaches 0.35 - 10 mm, therefore they are visible to the naked eye on the feathers of birds, feed at the base of feathers. Parasites feed on bird blood, skin scales, and feathers and down. They are very small, invisible to the naked eye. The louse lays eggs on the body of the host.
Bird lice cause lice, which leads to dermatitis and consequent loss of feathers (for which featherworms are responsible).
Feather-eaters are bloodsucking parasites, they digest keratin (the building block of hair and feathers). Feather-eaters on the body of the host pass all stages of development. During the year, parasites are able to give out several generations. Adult individuals transmit parasites to small individuals - chicks, which very often causes birds to fall in the first days of life. Feather-eaters are very mobile ectoparasites, they cause skin irritation - constant scratching and scabs in birds. Other symptoms of the occurrence of lice in chickens are: damaged plumage, weight loss, decreased laying.
The occurrence of chicken tarantula is associated with a decrease in productivity and a weakening of the physical activity of birds.
The first symptoms of lice in chickens:
- birds are restless, peck and scratch - itching of the skin
- less appetite, weight loss
- exfoliated skin, loss of bird feather
- sleep disturbance
Elimination of feather-eaters on birds is carried out by spraying birds and breeding components (feeders, drinkers, nests, etc.) with appropriate preparations, i.e. Lubisan Piórojady, One Shot Feathers. When spraying, it is necessary to protect the eyes of birds.

Coccidiosis is a disease that occurs in chickens, it is provoked by the protozoa Eimerias. Coccidiosis causes falls, inhibition of bird growth, reduction of laying and serious diseases of the digestive system. Eimeria are excreted in chicken feces in the form of oocysts, by already infected wild birds, as well as those already infected farmed. Excreted Eimeria oocysts are extremely resistant to harsh and adverse conditions and disinfectants.
After passing through the stomach, the protozoa attacks the inside of the body and penetrates into the walls of the small intestine, successively penetrates into the cells. There, its reproduction occurs, then the expulsion of oocysts along with feces. The first symptoms appear already 7 days after infection, then there is damage to the intestinal epithelium, symptoms are constipation, diarrhea, microflora disorders and water and electrolyte balance of animals. Damage to the epithelium can also result in hemorrhages inside the intestines.
Symptoms of coccidiosis in chickens are apathy
- feather tuning
- Diarrhea
- decreased appetite
- reduction of gains or weight loss
- blood in the stool
Prophylactic prevention of coccidiosis consists in adding coccidiostats to the feed, i.e. Kokcidin or Acidomid, vaccines against protozoa.
Poultry parasites - how to identify and treat them
Symptomatology depends on the type of parasites that attacked the hens:
- ectoparasites - most ectoparasites can be seen with the naked eye, they also cause plumage defects, scratching and pecking of the skin, decreased laying, lack of appetite, apathy and weight loss
- internal parasites - can cause cough, hoarseness, weight loss, diarrhea, feces of a strange color, blood in feces, stunted growth and weight loss
Having observed and established a diagnosis of the presence of parasites in the culture, you should immediately take appropriate measures:
- sick birds should be transferred to another room for the time of quarantine - disinfecting and cleaning the room
- the veterinarian should prescribe appropriate drugs to cure the birds, usually there are two phases of treatment - first the liquidation of adult individuals, after two weeks the second phase - the liquidation of individuals hatched from eggs
Effective control consists in the elimination of pests on birds and indoors.
Ways to prevent parasites
The main cause of parasite infection is contact with sick relatives, wild birds, rodents and insects. The spread of the disease is facilitated by impurity in the hen house and other concomitant diseases of birds. Breeding laying hens as well as other birds and animals involves the observance of hygiene, cleaning, disinfection and liming of the chicken coop 2-3 times a year to prevent the occurrence of parasites in the facility, avoid bird infection and severe diseases.
Hygiene and disinfection
It is necessary to remember about the cleanliness and hygiene of feeders, drinkers and nests. Drinkers and feeders should be washed daily, especially during the summer during high temperatures. Regular replacement of litter is also very important, because it is the largest habitat of bacteria, viruses and parasites. Regular disinfection, e.g. with Virkon prevents the development of not only parasites, but also viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Prevention consists in systematic deworming of birds with special preparations, most often they are added to feed or water.
Natural ways
In home poultry farms, natural ways of preventing and fighting parasites are used
- Regular backfilling of litter diatomaceous earth, as well as lubricating the walls with its solution, it is worth at least 1 - 2 times a week to organize chicken baths in the diatomy;
- Natural oils of garlic, eucalyptus or cloves have parasite-destroying properties