Marta Potasiak

Marta Potasiak
Marta Potasiak
Technik Weterynarii | Specjalista ds. opieki weterynaryjnej

Technik weterynarii, łączący swoje doświadczenie weterynaryjne z rolą doradcy klienta, pomagając hodowcom w doborze najlepszych produktów i rozwiązań dla zwierząt. Wiedzę i doświadczenie zdobyła podczas stażu i praktyk zawodowych w klinice weterynaryjnej. Od najmłodszych lat wiązała swoją przyszłość ze zwierzętami. Pasjonatka jazdy konnej i miłośniczka zwierząt.

Automatic syringe
Glossary of terms

Automatic syringe

Advisible syringe - is a syringe that automatically complements a fixed dose of solution, used in veterinary medicine. The self-replenishment syringe is used for injection and vaccination of animals, especially in larger farms, when more animals are vaccinated at one time. Refilling of the drug can be done via a hose or a bottle placed on the stem of the syringe.

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Diatomaceous earth
Glossary of terms

Diatomaceous earth

The diatomaceous earth is a diatomite - a rock, formed from diatoms (algae) and their shells. Diatomaceous earth is in the form of a white, odorless powder. Diatomite is 100% natural. The powder particles are sharp and hard, thanks to which they injure the living parasites. Diatomite can also be dissolved in water and given to drink, cleansing the digestive system, without damaging the intestinal walls.

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Float drinker
Glossary of terms

Float drinker

A float drinker is a vessel with a float that ensures that the water is kept at the right level. The float cuts off the water supply when the bowl is filled, and when the water table lowers, the float valve opens and the water is replenished. The automatic drinker provides continuous access to fresh water for the animals without the need for the breeder to replenish the bowl. Float plugs are a very good option for animals that overflow and waste water. The animal in this case does not affect the amount of water in the bowl. Depending on the type of animals, drinkers can be used for cattle, horses, poultry, dogs and cats.

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Grain dispenser for silos
Glossary of terms

Grain dispenser for silos

The constantly increasing costs of production - electricity, fuel or feed, force farmers to constantly implement optimization in the poultry farming process. The highest savings can be achieved by optimizing the feeding process. The price of the product, which is concentrated feed, has recently been constantly soaring. For this reason, it is worth equipping your silos with a wheat dispenser.

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