Frendi wet dog food in sauce with liver, can 1250 g


Frendi wet dog food in sauce with liver can 1250 g is a perfectly balanced and wholesome wet meal with the addition of liver for adult dogs of all breeds. Delicate meat enclosed in a tight and safe can guarantees our pet a huge range of flavors and aromas, and the delicate sauce is a tempting invitation to consumption. Thanks to its natural and healthy composition, the food provides pets with many vitamins, minerals and nutrients that support their development and provide energy. In addition, the basis of this delicate and extremely tasty food is as much as 70% meat and animal products.

The liver contained in Frendi wet food is a valuable source of B vitamins, vitamins B12, B3, B2 and vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid. Each of the vitamins contained in the food plays an important role and has a beneficial effect on our pet's body. Thanks to the abundance of minerals and nutrients, pet owners can sleep peacefully and not worry about their dog's health. In addition, thanks to its simple composition, dog food is perfect for any pet, even the pickiest one.


What are B vitamins

responsible for?
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is responsible for the production of erythrocytes, additionally affects the functioning of the brain and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs.
  • Vitamin
  • B3 (niacin) not only regulates the rate of metabolism, but is also responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system./li>
  • VitaminB2 (riboflavin) coordinates the dog's muscular system, additionally has a positive effect on eyesight and plays an important role in the production of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) affects the production of red blood cells, it plays the greatest role for health during a dog's pregnancy.

Frendi wet food also contains a myriad of raw materials that have a positive effect on individual organs. Thanks to the compatibility of these ingredients, the food guarantees our pet's vitality and ensures a healthy and joyful life.

✅Iodine comprehensively supports the functioning of the thyroid, brain and kidneys.

✅Zinc contributes to the health of the skin and coat.

✅Manganese effectively regulates the functioning of the digestive, nervous and muscular systems, additionally supports bone development and stabilizes blood pressure.

✅Iron supports the work of metabolism, thus counteracting anemia.

Composition: meat and animal derivatives (70% meat and animal derivatives per piece, 4% liver), cereals, minerals, vegetable protein extracts, various sugars.

Analytical constituents: moisture 82.0%; crude protein 7.0%; crude fat 4.5%; crude ash 2.5%; crude fibre 0.3%.

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Frendi wet dog food in sauce with liver can 1250 g is a perfectly balanced and wholesome wet meal with the addition of liver for adult dogs of all breeds. Delicate meat enclosed in a tight and safe can guarantees our pet a huge range of flavors and aromas, and the delicate sauce is a tempting invitation to consumption. Thanks to its natural and healthy composition, the food provides pets with many vitamins, minerals and nutrients that support their development and provide energy. In addition, the basis of this delicate and extremely tasty food is as much as 70% meat and animal products.

The liver contained in Frendi wet food is a valuable source of B vitamins, vitamins B12, B3, B2 and vitamin B9, i.e. folic acid. Each of the vitamins contained in the food plays an important role and has a beneficial effect on our pet's body. Thanks to the abundance of minerals and nutrients, pet owners can sleep peacefully and not worry about their dog's health. In addition, thanks to its simple composition, dog food is perfect for any pet, even the pickiest one.


What are B vitamins

responsible for?
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is responsible for the production of erythrocytes, additionally affects the functioning of the brain and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs.
  • Vitamin
  • B3 (niacin) not only regulates the rate of metabolism, but is also responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system./li>
  • VitaminB2 (riboflavin) coordinates the dog's muscular system, additionally has a positive effect on eyesight and plays an important role in the production of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) affects the production of red blood cells, it plays the greatest role for health during a dog's pregnancy.

Frendi wet food also contains a myriad of raw materials that have a positive effect on individual organs. Thanks to the compatibility of these ingredients, the food guarantees our pet's vitality and ensures a healthy and joyful life.

✅Iodine comprehensively supports the functioning of the thyroid, brain and kidneys.

✅Zinc contributes to the health of the skin and coat.

✅Manganese effectively regulates the functioning of the digestive, nervous and muscular systems, additionally supports bone development and stabilizes blood pressure.

✅Iron supports the work of metabolism, thus counteracting anemia.

Composition: meat and animal derivatives (70% meat and animal derivatives per piece, 4% liver), cereals, minerals, vegetable protein extracts, various sugars.

Analytical constituents: moisture 82.0%; crude protein 7.0%; crude fat 4.5%; crude ash 2.5%; crude fibre 0.3%.

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