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Frendi wet dog food in sauce with chicken can 1250 g
Frendi wet dog food in sauce with chicken 1250 g is a meal composed of the highest quality ingredients from local suppliers for adult dogs of all breeds. Pieces of tender and incredibly tasty chicken meat dipped in a tasty and aromatic sauce will make your dog fall more and more in love with the new food with each bite. A subtle sauce with a balanced taste will encourage even the pickiest dogs to consume, in addition to providing them with a range of nutrients that will keep them healthy and full of energy.
Each bite enclosed in a convenient and airtight can contains as much as 70% meat and animal ingredients. The food is an easily digestible and hypoallergenic meal, which not only provides our four-legged friend with an excellent taste experience, but is also a source of many valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper growth and functioning of our pets.
FRENDI wet dog food contains many valuable minerals that support the functioning and health of our pets.
✔ Iodine is an element necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which is responsible for the proper development of the kidneys, heart, muscles, pituitary gland and the entire nervous system.
✔ Zinc is responsible for the development of the skeletal system, maintaining the proper condition of the skin and coat. In addition, zinc ions support the work of the pancreas, whose task is to store and release insulin. Zinc strengthens the body's immunity, has anti-inflammatory properties and supports healing and relieves the symptoms of diseases.
✔ Manganese is a mineral element responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous, digestive and muscular systems. This element is also an essential component of bones, additionally takes care of the proper functioning of the brain, skin and coat. In addition, Manganese has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
✔ Iron is one of the most important minerals in our body. It is responsible for tissue regeneration and proper growth, supports the fight against free radicals. In addition, iron supports metabolism and prevents anemia.
Composition: meat and animal derivatives (70% meat and animal derivatives per piece, 4% chicken), cereals, minerals, vegetable protein extracts, various sugars.
Analytical constituents: crude protein 7%, crude fat 4.5%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fibre 0.3%, moisture 82%.
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Frendi wet dog food in sauce with chicken 1250 g is a meal composed of the highest quality ingredients from local suppliers for adult dogs of all breeds. Pieces of tender and incredibly tasty chicken meat dipped in a tasty and aromatic sauce will make your dog fall more and more in love with the new food with each bite. A subtle sauce with a balanced taste will encourage even the pickiest dogs to consume, in addition to providing them with a range of nutrients that will keep them healthy and full of energy.
Each bite enclosed in a convenient and airtight can contains as much as 70% meat and animal ingredients. The food is an easily digestible and hypoallergenic meal, which not only provides our four-legged friend with an excellent taste experience, but is also a source of many valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper growth and functioning of our pets.
FRENDI wet dog food contains many valuable minerals that support the functioning and health of our pets.
✔ Iodine is an element necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which is responsible for the proper development of the kidneys, heart, muscles, pituitary gland and the entire nervous system.
✔ Zinc is responsible for the development of the skeletal system, maintaining the proper condition of the skin and coat. In addition, zinc ions support the work of the pancreas, whose task is to store and release insulin. Zinc strengthens the body's immunity, has anti-inflammatory properties and supports healing and relieves the symptoms of diseases.
✔ Manganese is a mineral element responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous, digestive and muscular systems. This element is also an essential component of bones, additionally takes care of the proper functioning of the brain, skin and coat. In addition, Manganese has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
✔ Iron is one of the most important minerals in our body. It is responsible for tissue regeneration and proper growth, supports the fight against free radicals. In addition, iron supports metabolism and prevents anemia.
Composition: meat and animal derivatives (70% meat and animal derivatives per piece, 4% chicken), cereals, minerals, vegetable protein extracts, various sugars.
Analytical constituents: crude protein 7%, crude fat 4.5%, crude ash 2.5%, crude fibre 0.3%, moisture 82%.
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