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Frendi wet dog food in sauce with beef, can 1250 g
Frendi wet dog food in sauce with beef can 1250 g is a food for adult dogs of all ages, once composed with great care from ingredients of the highest quality. The simple, healthy and natural composition makes the food not only a bomb of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, but also provides our pet with an extraordinary taste experience. Pieces of juicy and tender beef in a duet with an aromatic and velvety sauce enclosed in an airtight can retain their aroma for a very long time, which has a positive effect on the taste of the food. The amazing smell that floats in the air right after opening the package will encourage every pet to consume.
FREDNI food is distinguished by the fact that each bite contains as much as 70% of meat and animal products, which are a valuable source of amino acids and minerals. In addition, dog food is supplemented with taurine, which is responsible for the proper condition of eyesight and the maintenance and development of muscle tissue. By providing dogs with this valuable amino acid, we also guarantee them a healthy and strong heart, because taurine supports the work of the circulatory system, which has a positive impact on the proper functioning of the heart.
Beef is an excellent source of B vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cobalamin) and fat-soluble vitamins. In this delicate, juicy and very healthy meat we can also find minerals such as:
- Iodine, which supports the functioning of the thyroid, brain and kidneys.
- Iron to counteract anaemia and support the functioning of metabolism.
- Zinc to support the maintenance of healthy skin and coat.
- Manganese regulates the functioning of the digestive, nervous and muscular systems, supports bone development and maintains proper blood pressure
Composition: meat and animal derivatives (70% meat and animal derivatives per piece, 4% beef), cereals, minerals, vegetable protein extracts, various sugars.
Nutrients: Moisture 82.0%; Crude Protein 7.0%; Crude Fat 4.5%; Crude Ash 2.5%; Crude Fiber 0.3%.
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Frendi wet dog food in sauce with beef can 1250 g is a food for adult dogs of all ages, once composed with great care from ingredients of the highest quality. The simple, healthy and natural composition makes the food not only a bomb of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, but also provides our pet with an extraordinary taste experience. Pieces of juicy and tender beef in a duet with an aromatic and velvety sauce enclosed in an airtight can retain their aroma for a very long time, which has a positive effect on the taste of the food. The amazing smell that floats in the air right after opening the package will encourage every pet to consume.
FREDNI food is distinguished by the fact that each bite contains as much as 70% of meat and animal products, which are a valuable source of amino acids and minerals. In addition, dog food is supplemented with taurine, which is responsible for the proper condition of eyesight and the maintenance and development of muscle tissue. By providing dogs with this valuable amino acid, we also guarantee them a healthy and strong heart, because taurine supports the work of the circulatory system, which has a positive impact on the proper functioning of the heart.
Beef is an excellent source of B vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cobalamin) and fat-soluble vitamins. In this delicate, juicy and very healthy meat we can also find minerals such as:
- Iodine, which supports the functioning of the thyroid, brain and kidneys.
- Iron to counteract anaemia and support the functioning of metabolism.
- Zinc to support the maintenance of healthy skin and coat.
- Manganese regulates the functioning of the digestive, nervous and muscular systems, supports bone development and maintains proper blood pressure
Composition: meat and animal derivatives (70% meat and animal derivatives per piece, 4% beef), cereals, minerals, vegetable protein extracts, various sugars.
Nutrients: Moisture 82.0%; Crude Protein 7.0%; Crude Fat 4.5%; Crude Ash 2.5%; Crude Fiber 0.3%.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the offer of dry i wet dog food available on our website.
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