Glossary of terms

How to protect from ASF?

The main causes of the spread of the dangerous African Swine Fever virus include contact with infected animals or infected food waste. The source of ASF infections are sick domestic and wild pigs, as well as warthogs and ticks of the genus Ornithodorus, which are not found in Europe. The owner of the farm is responsible for the protection of pig farming against ASF, whose task is to adequately protect livestock buildings from access by wild animals. The spread of African Swine Fever is also influenced by the failure of breeders to comply with the basic principles of biosecurity, which is the cheapest way to protect against the dangerous swine virus.

Dzik Dzik

Fencing of the pigsty against wild boars and other wild animals

In minimizing the risk of infection, the tight fence of the pigsty plays a key role. The lack of such a corral is the greatest threat to the farm, because hungry, often infected wild boars come to the bypasses to search for food. A properly built fence of the pigsty should be solidly attached to the foundation recessed in the ground at a depth of min. 30 cm. To further protect the farm from wild boars or other wild animals, an electric shepherd can be installed on the existing fence. The electrical impulses generated by the electrician will effectively discourage wild boars, not allowing them,, to untangle the grid. Care should also be taken to protect livestock buildings, feed mills and litter storage sites from access by birds and rodents. For this purpose, window nets are perfect. It is important that the net for birds is small small mesh, so that swallows can not fly into the pigsty. The lattice on the windows should also be of adequate rigidity and thickness to prevent rodents from gnawing through it. It is worth using a welded card, e.g. with a 13x13 mm eyelet.

Ogrodzenie i pastuch elektryczny Ogrodzenie i pastuch elektryczny

Disinfection of vehicles

An important vector in the transmission of infectious diseases are means of transport. Vehicles transporting animals to pig houses or supplying feed for breeding pose a particular threat. Each car entering the breeding area should be comprehensively disinfected with a virucidal agent in the appropriate concentration. The breeder is also obliged to keep records of vehicles that enter the farm. Effective decontamination of vehicles is possible thanks to the disinfection gate, which should be located at the entrance to the farm. Its use allows for comprehensive disinfection of the entire external surface of the vehicle. Importantly, the car is always sprinkled with a clean disinfectant solution, with the same concentration. Disinfection basins are built to decontaminate the wheels of vehicles passing through it. This is a solution related to the need to use a large amount of disinfectant, which relatively often needs to be replaced. It burdens the breeder with large costs incurred for disinfectants. In farms where gates or disinfection basins are not used, the basis is passing mats, placed in the entrance gate to the farm. The dimension of the disinfection mat should allow the wheels of cars to be completely rotated. It is important that the sanitizing mat is in the cover so as to prevent leakage of the disinfectant. However, remember to regularly soak the passage carpet with a disinfectant solution.

Brama do dezynfekcji pojazdów Brama do dezynfekcji pojazdów

Disinfection of footwear and disposable clothing

Each entrance to the pigsty must be preceded by disinfection of footwear. For this purpose, disinfection mats are used located in front of each entrance to the building where animals are kept. The size of the entrance mat plays a key role, where the length of the mat should not be shorter than 100 cm, and the width should not be less than the width of the entrance door. A good and willingly chosen solution is a mat in a cover, which is characterized by a much longer service life than standard foam. It is worth using small mats in the litter box before the entrance mat, which will pre-disinfect the shoes. When entering the building where pigs are kept, basic hygiene rules should be applied. It is important to wear disposable protective clothing, which should be disposed of after leaving. For this purpose, protective suits with welts and a hood are perfect. You should also remember to disinfect your hands, as well as the equipment used in the pigsty. This applies to breeders, employees, veterinarians and inseminators. The breeder, as in the case of the register of vehicles entering, is also obliged to enter the register of people entering the pigsty. The breeder should clearly and legibly prevent outsiders from entering the farm. The easiest way are warning boards "Pig Farm Forbidden Entry" placed at the entrance to the farm and the entrance to the livestock building.

Mata do dezynfekcji obuwia Mata do dezynfekcji obuwia

Regular disinfection of premises

Disinfection is aimed at minimizing diseases in pigs that can be caused by the occurrence of bacteria, viruses and fungi. There are two types of sanitizing treatments: "wet disinfection" and "dry disinfection". As the name says, wet disinfection is associated with spraying with a disinfectant preparation, e.g. Virkon S. The decontamination procedure of the pigsty should take place min. once a year, but also after each movement or sale of animals. Disinfection by fogging is carried out in an empty room. Dry disinfection consists in sprinkling the litter with disinfectant powder, e.g. Sandezia, Dezosan Vigor, which can be used in the presence of animals. Its use effectively fights foci of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi, and also improves the microclimate in the pigsty.

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Restrictions in the protection and surveillance zone

Pig farmers who are in the protection zone (min 3 Km) or endangered zone (min 7 Km) are obliged to comply with the absolute ban on removing pigs from the farm. For the overhead zone, the restriction period is 40 days, while for the more severe 30 days. In the areas subject to restrictions, due to the risk of ASF swine disease, veterinary checks are increased. Inspectors shall check the performance of holdings in meeting the conditions for biosecurity and the registration and identification of animals. It is worth getting a basic disinfection kit that meets the requirements of biosecurity against ASF.

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