
Sticky boards for aphids, leaf miners, earthworms for the protection of vegetables and fruits 5 TARGET

+target-stickboardsYellow sticky boards designed to monitor pests of vegetables and plants, i.e. aphids, mealworms, leaf miners and others. The offered Target sticky boards perfectly attract all kinds of insects, especially with the yellow color of the board.

The presented insect boards are covered on both sides with glue - resistant to adverse weather conditions, i.e. rain, wind and UV radiation. The composition of the adhesive is natural, without the addition of chemicals.

Method of application: sticky boards should be placed above the tops of plants

Capacity: 5 boards per 25 m2

Keep out of reach of children.
Do not store together with food and animal feed

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+target-stickboardsYellow sticky boards designed to monitor pests of vegetables and plants, i.e. aphids, mealworms, leaf miners and others. The offered Target sticky boards perfectly attract all kinds of insects, especially with the yellow color of the board.

The presented insect boards are covered on both sides with glue - resistant to adverse weather conditions, i.e. rain, wind and UV radiation. The composition of the adhesive is natural, without the addition of chemicals.

Method of application: sticky boards should be placed above the tops of plants

Capacity: 5 boards per 25 m2

Keep out of reach of children.
Do not store together with food and animal feed
Flying insects

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Ask a question about product Sticky boards for aphids, leaf miners, earthworms for the protection of vegetables and fruits 5 TARGET