Pest control

Healthy hens - how to protect poultry from diseasens

Hens are active and nimble animals, which are valuable source of fresh eggs and meat from many farms and households. However, like any animal, chickens are susceptible to a variety of diseases and infections that can significantly affect their health and well-being. These animals usually signal wrongs with their health. That's why keeping an eye on your birds is so important, especially if you notice alarming symptoms, such as passiveness, lack of apetite or dyspnoea (short breath).
In this article, we will focus on learning the secrects of the most common illnesses, such as rhinitis and diarrhea and also other health problems that can affect your hens, as well as ways to avoid these problems.

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How do you recognize when hen is sick?

Knowing that a hen is sick is a key part of caring for the health of your poultry. There are many subtle and obvious signs that can signal a health problem in hens. Look out for general symptoms such as: loss of appetite, indifference, marasm, isolation from other hens or visual signs - dull plumage and cloudy eyes. If you notice that a hen is behaving differently than usual, is lethargic and suffers from diarrhea or runny nose, you should immediately proceed with treatment.
Regularly monitoring the behavior and appearance of your flock is the key to early detection of possible health problems. The sooner you react, the more chances you will have with successful treatment and protecting other hens from infection. Prevention is always better than cure, so take care of you poultry conditions, hygiene and regular deworming and vaccinations can significantly reduce the risk of disease in your hens.

What are the most common hens' diseases?

In poultry farming, there are many diseases that can afflict hens, both from industrial breeding and those kept for personal use. The diseases that breeders, both smaller and larger, most often complain about are:

  • Catarrh (rhinitis) in hens is one of the health problems that can occur in your birds. This problem manifests as nasal discharge and watery eyes. Chickens with a runny nose often shake their heads, sneeze and may have difficulty with breathing.
  • Diarrhea is another problem that can affect your hens. Normal hen excrement is composed of liquid and solid, but in the case of diarrhea, these components mix together as mushy consistency. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and weight loss, so it is important to monitor the health of your flock.

Hens are susceptible to a variety of diseases, including those caused by viruses, parasites and bacteria, which is a common risk in poultry farming.

Can chickens catch a cold?

Chickens can be exposed to factors that affect their health just like humans. While it can't literally be said that chickens catch a cold like humans do, they can be affected by adverse weather conditions. Prolonged exposure to cold, moisture and drafts can weaken their immune systems, which increases the risk of various infections and diseases. Therefore, it is important to provide adequate insulation and protection to a poultry house, especially during the winter, to prevent potential health problems in chickens. By taking these factors into account and taking proper precautions, you can help maintain the health and welfare of your flock.

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Why do hens wheeze?

Hens wheezing can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the most common reasons, why chicken wheezes is respiratory tract infection. Viruses, bacteria or parasites may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system that results with coughing and sneezing. In addition, drafts, moisture and unsuitable conditions in the poultry house can also irritate the hens' respiratory tract, causing the same symptoms.

It is also worth paying attention to the overall chickens health. Wheezing may be the result of a body weakened by stress, poor diet or lack of proper hygiene. That's why it's important to regularly monitor your hens and ensure that they have the right housing, nutrition and protection from infections. Grunting sounds can be a sign of health problems, so in case of persistent wheezing, we advise you to consult with a veterinarian. Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory infections or other health problems are key to ensuring health and welfare of chickens.

Chickens' parasites

Hens are susceptible to various parasites that can negatively affect their health.

  • Chicken redmite - it feeds on hens' blood. It is an arachnid that goes through several stages of development, and each stage is preceded with blood consuming. This parasite makes hens weaker through blood loss, which in extreme cases can even lead to bird's death. Redmite has a nocturnal lifestyle and crawls into tiny crevices, so it is difficult to spot it during the day. Typical symptoms of a redmite are: itching, flaky skin and apathy.
  • Itch bird mite - is another parasite that gnaws the skin and feathers of hens. They live in the stratum corneum of the skin, especially in unfeathered areas, leading to excessive keratinization of the epidermis. The infestation causes intense itching and inflammation of the skin.
  • Mallophaga - are insects that feed on the poultry feathers. Parasite can raise stress of hens, leading to loss of laying eggs and feather damage.
  • Worms - hens can carry various types of worms, which under normal circumstances is not a problem. However, excessive numbers of worms can lead to loss of condition and reduced eggs quality. Controlling worm populations is crucial to maintaining hen health.
  • Coccidiosis - is a disease made by parasites called eimeries. It often affects young birds between 6 and 8 weeks of age. The main symptom of coccidiosis is bloody diarrhea. The disease is dangerous, because it can lead to fluid loss and even death of the bird. Prevention of this disease involves maintaining a clean environment and a healthy diet.
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Viral diseases of poultry

Hens are susceptible to a variety of viruses that can adversely affect their health.

  • Virulent Newcastle Disease is a serious avian disease. When it occurs, you are obliged to notify Veterinary Inspectorate. It can be asymptomatic or manifest as diarrhea, respiratory infections and neurological disorders. Strict hygiene measures and vaccination are important in controlling this dangerous disease and can prevent an outbreak of this disease, which is mostly fatal to poultry.
  • Avian influenza (or poultry influenza) is another viral threat to your chickens and just like in Newcastle disease case you have to report it to proper services. Symptoms of avian influenza include difficulty breathing, apathy and decreased productivity. The disease is extremely contagious and can lead to flock outbreaks. The disease is spread through fecals or droplets. Therefore it's necessary to isolate infected birds and take strict hygiene measures.

Mycoplasmosis is a bacterial disease that often affects weaker birds. Factors like stress caused by an e.coli infection, poor breeding conditions, too many animals in coop or nutritional mistakes can increase the risk of infection. Mycoplasmosis manifests itself with coughing, difficulty with breathing, weight loss and decreased egg production.

Effects of eating disorders and rachitis in hens

Effects of eating disorders and rachitis in hens in hens can take many forms. One of the most common problem is a deficiency of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals or proteins. Insufficient intake of these vital components makes chickens' immune system weaker and more susceptible to infections. Lack of adequate nutrients can lead to retarded growth and development in birds. Chickens that do not receive enough protein and other nutrients may not reach their full growth potential. Bone rachitis is another problem associated with nutritional disorders. These body deformities can result from poor nutrition and lack of adequate nutrients. Rachitis can affect various bones, such as the breastbone, making it difficult for chickens to move and leading to a poorer condition. This affects their ability to move as well as their quality of life. Moreover, cases of cannibalism may occur in flocks, where birds begin to attack and eat other birds. This behavior is caused by stress, poor rearing conditions or hierarchy problems in the flock and it's a challenge for breeders to eliminate them. In such cases, immediate intervention is needed to minimize losses and improve the living conditions of the chickens.

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How to prevent hen diseases?

Keeping your hens healthy is a complicated process, but with the right knowledge and proper breeding practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of diseases in your flock. Here are some advise to maintain the health of your hens:

  1. Big and clean space - Make sure your hens have enough space in the coop and run. Space is crucial to maintaining the health and well-being of your hens. Clean these areas regularly to avoid the buildup of bacteria and parasites.
  2. Light and draft protection - Hens need an access to natural sunlight, but they also need protection from drafts, especially in winter. You can install lights in the hen house to provide them with the right lighting conditions.
  3. Complete nutrition - Provide your hens with a balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients. A good diet strengthens the hens' immunity and helps prevent many diseases.
  4. Deworming and vaccination - Regularly de-worm your hens and follow the vaccination schedule recommended by your veterinarian.
  5. Isolate infected hens - If you notice that one hen is sick, immediately isolate it from the rest of the flock to prevent the spread of the disease.
  6. Health monitoring - Observing the hens' behavior on a daily basis and responding to changes in behavior or disease symptoms can help detect and treat diseases early.

It is worth remembering that hen diseases cannot be completely avoided, but you can significantly reduce the risk of disease by understanding the symptoms, monitoring the health of your flock and taking proper care of you chickens. The health of hens is crucial to effective breeding, so regular observation and attention to their well-being are important responsibilities of any breeder. Regardless of the type of chickens you raise, proper care and disease prevention are key to success in raising these lovely birds.

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