Glossary of terms

Bell drinker

The bell drinker is used to water poultry of various species, i.e. laying hens, broilers, ducks, turkeys or geese, it is intended for small home poultry farms as well as larger poultry farms. The bell drinker is selected depending on the species and age of the poultry.

Bell drinker Bell drinker

The task of bell drinkers is to provide birds with constant access to fresh drinking water. The use of bell drinkers is extremely convenient and saves a lot of time for the breeder.

Drinker-bell-for-ducks Drinker-bell-for-ducks

Remember to pressure reducer, located at the beginning of the line, which lowers the water pressure below 1 bar. The fi 7mm hose supplies water to the drinker in a vertical line, while the the fi 19mm hose supplies the entire line with water. All spare parts for bell drinkers are available on the market, thanks to which the costs of their operation are not associated with high prices.

Reducer-saddle-vase-7mm Reducer-saddle-vase-7mm