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Wet dog food RAFI with turkey 800 g can 1 pc
Wet dog food containing a high proportion of turkey meat, which provides high-quality protein. Turkey meat is also a rich source of n-6 unsaturated fatty acids. Rafi canned dog food is a dog food that satisfies 100% of the daily requirement for nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
Rafi food has also been enriched with linseed oil, which significantly affects the proper functioning of the digestive system. Food for adult dogs contains additives such as blueberries, cranberries and thyme. In addition to their taste-enhancing properties, additives also have a positive effect on your pet's body. The fruit stands out for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and thyme stimulates the secretion of digestive juices.
meat andanimal derivatives 65% (turkey meat 4%), fruit (blueberry 2%, cranberry 2%), minerals, oils and fats (linseed oil 0.2%), dried thyme 0.01%.
Analytical constituents:
crude protein – 9%, crude fat – 7%, crudeash – 2.5%, crude fibre – 0.8%, moisture – 78%, calcium – 0.3%, phosphorus – 0.25%.
Nutritional additives per kg:
VitaminD3 – 450 IU, Vitamin E – 40 mg, Zinc (zinc oxide) – 30 mg, Manganese (manganese (II) oxide) – 2 mg, Copper (copper sulphate, pentahydrate) – 0.4 mg, Iodine (coated, granulated calcium iodate, anhydrous) – 0.3 mg.
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Wet dog food containing a high proportion of turkey meat, which provides high-quality protein. Turkey meat is also a rich source of n-6 unsaturated fatty acids. Rafi canned dog food is a dog food that satisfies 100% of the daily requirement for nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
Rafi food has also been enriched with linseed oil, which significantly affects the proper functioning of the digestive system. Food for adult dogs contains additives such as blueberries, cranberries and thyme. In addition to their taste-enhancing properties, additives also have a positive effect on your pet's body. The fruit stands out for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and thyme stimulates the secretion of digestive juices.
meat andanimal derivatives 65% (turkey meat 4%), fruit (blueberry 2%, cranberry 2%), minerals, oils and fats (linseed oil 0.2%), dried thyme 0.01%.
Analytical constituents:
crude protein – 9%, crude fat – 7%, crudeash – 2.5%, crude fibre – 0.8%, moisture – 78%, calcium – 0.3%, phosphorus – 0.25%.
Nutritional additives per kg:
VitaminD3 – 450 IU, Vitamin E – 40 mg, Zinc (zinc oxide) – 30 mg, Manganese (manganese (II) oxide) – 2 mg, Copper (copper sulphate, pentahydrate) – 0.4 mg, Iodine (coated, granulated calcium iodate, anhydrous) – 0.3 mg.
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