Preparation for bedbugs 100% effective concentrate 100 ml


Preparation for controling bedbugs in a package of 100 ml. Due to the content of the active substance diptron, this agent is perfect for fighting other insects that live at home.

Liquid for bedbugs is characterized byhigh efficiency and high efficiency, which is why it is used for disinfestation processes in homes, halls, warehouses, hotels, and wherever there are bothersome insects.

The preparation one shot 100% bedbugs is distinguished by:

  • extremely strong active substance DIPTRON, which causes a biocidal effect,
  • high efficiency and fast action that causes the death of the insect after contact with the substance,
  • a convenient form of dosing, by spraying, using, for example, a sprayer,
  • a long duration of action, which is determined to 12 weeks.

  • The remedy to control bedbugs should be mixed with 5 l of water. Spray abundantly with the solution thus prepared all skirting boards, central heating pipes including radiators, gaps and slots, cabinets and, if possible, their interiors, the bed inside, outside and below. In order for the treatment eliminating bedbugs to be effective, the room should be closed for about 4 hours. Repeat it after 6-7 days.

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    Preparation for controling bedbugs in a package of 100 ml. Due to the content of the active substance diptron, this agent is perfect for fighting other insects that live at home.

    Liquid for bedbugs is characterized byhigh efficiency and high efficiency, which is why it is used for disinfestation processes in homes, halls, warehouses, hotels, and wherever there are bothersome insects.

    The preparation one shot 100% bedbugs is distinguished by:

  • extremely strong active substance DIPTRON, which causes a biocidal effect,
  • high efficiency and fast action that causes the death of the insect after contact with the substance,
  • a convenient form of dosing, by spraying, using, for example, a sprayer,
  • a long duration of action, which is determined to 12 weeks.

  • The remedy to control bedbugs should be mixed with 5 l of water. Spray abundantly with the solution thus prepared all skirting boards, central heating pipes including radiators, gaps and slots, cabinets and, if possible, their interiors, the bed inside, outside and below. In order for the treatment eliminating bedbugs to be effective, the room should be closed for about 4 hours. Repeat it after 6-7 days.

    Bed bugs

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