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PetRepublic wet dog food with finely chopped veal in sauce sachet 500 g
PetRepublic wet dog food with finely chopped veal in sauce 500 g sachet is an exceptionally tasty meal designed for adult dogs of all breeds. Containing as much as 90% veal meat and animal products, this grain-free food provides a wholesome diet to support your pooch's healthy development, muscle growth and overall condition.
Veal meat is not only an exceptionally tasty ingredient, but also a rich source of essential nutrients. It contains high-quality animal protein, essential for your dog's growth, tissue repair and overall health. In addition, veal provides many important vitamins and minerals, such as iron, iodine, zinc and B vitamins and niacin. It's also an excellent source of minerals, including sodium and potassium.
Advantages of PetRepublic Wet Food:
- contains no grains,
- is ideal for dogs with food allergies,
- contains many vitamins, minerals and nutrients,
- supports skin and coat health,
- contains biotin,
- is closed in a convenient and airtight package,
- provides a complete food that meets all the nutritional needs of dogs.
PetRepublic wet dog food with finely chopped veal in sauce is an excellent choice for all dogs who enjoy tasty, healthy and nutritious meals. Thanks to the high content of veal meat, vitamins and minerals, your dog will not lack anything necessary for a healthy and full life.
Ingredients: meat and animal products (90% meat and animal products in a piece, including 4% veal), products of vegetable origin, minerals.
Analytical ingredients: moisture content 81.0%; crude protein 8.0%; crude fat 4.5%; crude ash 2.5%; crude fiber 0.4%. Meat and animal products (90% meat and animal products cut, including 4% veal), products of vegetable origin, minerals.
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PetRepublic wet dog food with finely chopped veal in sauce 500 g sachet is an exceptionally tasty meal designed for adult dogs of all breeds. Containing as much as 90% veal meat and animal products, this grain-free food provides a wholesome diet to support your pooch's healthy development, muscle growth and overall condition.
Veal meat is not only an exceptionally tasty ingredient, but also a rich source of essential nutrients. It contains high-quality animal protein, essential for your dog's growth, tissue repair and overall health. In addition, veal provides many important vitamins and minerals, such as iron, iodine, zinc and B vitamins and niacin. It's also an excellent source of minerals, including sodium and potassium.
Advantages of PetRepublic Wet Food:
- contains no grains,
- is ideal for dogs with food allergies,
- contains many vitamins, minerals and nutrients,
- supports skin and coat health,
- contains biotin,
- is closed in a convenient and airtight package,
- provides a complete food that meets all the nutritional needs of dogs.
PetRepublic wet dog food with finely chopped veal in sauce is an excellent choice for all dogs who enjoy tasty, healthy and nutritious meals. Thanks to the high content of veal meat, vitamins and minerals, your dog will not lack anything necessary for a healthy and full life.
Ingredients: meat and animal products (90% meat and animal products in a piece, including 4% veal), products of vegetable origin, minerals.
Analytical ingredients: moisture content 81.0%; crude protein 8.0%; crude fat 4.5%; crude ash 2.5%; crude fiber 0.4%. Meat and animal products (90% meat and animal products cut, including 4% veal), products of vegetable origin, minerals.
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