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PENTA 250 FORTE 50 ml universal insecticidal preparation
Universal insecticide PENTA 250 FORTE 50ml dedicated to control all kinds of flying insects (flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes) and ants. The preparation is used in various types of rooms, ranging from chicken coops, pigsty or barns, and ending with warehouse buildings or public buildings, such as offices, schools, houses. One of the advantages of the insecticide PENTA 250 FORTE 50 ml is its enormous effectiveness, which in turn places it as one of the best insecticidal preparations on the market. PenTA 250 FORTE 50 ml, it should be dissolved in 5l of water, which will give us a solution of 1%. With an insecticide prepared in this way, it is enough to spray places intensively visited by insects, as well as spray the paths of their migrations. Insect remedy PENTA 250 FORTE 50ml, is one of the most efficient preparations of this type on the market. A solution with a capacity of 5l is enough for spraying the surface up to 25 m2.We also invite you to familiarize yourself with other infestation articles located in our shop.
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Universal insecticide PENTA 250 FORTE 50ml dedicated to control all kinds of flying insects (flies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes) and ants. The preparation is used in various types of rooms, ranging from chicken coops, pigsty or barns, and ending with warehouse buildings or public buildings, such as offices, schools, houses. One of the advantages of the insecticide PENTA 250 FORTE 50 ml is its enormous effectiveness, which in turn places it as one of the best insecticidal preparations on the market. PenTA 250 FORTE 50 ml, it should be dissolved in 5l of water, which will give us a solution of 1%. With an insecticide prepared in this way, it is enough to spray places intensively visited by insects, as well as spray the paths of their migrations. Insect remedy PENTA 250 FORTE 50ml, is one of the most efficient preparations of this type on the market. A solution with a capacity of 5l is enough for spraying the surface up to 25 m2.We also invite you to familiarize yourself with other infestation articles located in our shop.
Flies, Flying insects, Running instectsLog in to add your opinion