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Liquid mole scent repeller 500 ml
Highly effective and easy-to-use humane liquid mole repeller. The offered remedy for moles has fragrances (lavender oil) in its composition, which have a discouraging effect on moles, thanks to which pests stay away from the protected area. Liquid for repelling moles is used, among others on the territory of airports, sports and recreation facilities, as well as by private individuals.The liquid mole repellent should be placed in the opening of the molehill, from where the smell will spread through the corridors formed by the pest - the hole is best sealed so that the smell is very intense. The fragrance for moles is very efficient - it is enough to pour about 30 ml of liquid into the pest tunnel, i.e. about 2 nuts. Depending on the weather conditions, the mole repeller can work for up to 2 months - however, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after intense rainfall or the reappearance of pests.The undoubted advantage of the fragrance repeller for liquid moles is immediate action - the full effectiveness of the agent reaches after approx. 1 -2 days.
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Highly effective and easy-to-use humane liquid mole repeller. The offered remedy for moles has fragrances (lavender oil) in its composition, which have a discouraging effect on moles, thanks to which pests stay away from the protected area. Liquid for repelling moles is used, among others on the territory of airports, sports and recreation facilities, as well as by private individuals.The liquid mole repellent should be placed in the opening of the molehill, from where the smell will spread through the corridors formed by the pest - the hole is best sealed so that the smell is very intense. The fragrance for moles is very efficient - it is enough to pour about 30 ml of liquid into the pest tunnel, i.e. about 2 nuts. Depending on the weather conditions, the mole repeller can work for up to 2 months - however, it is recommended to repeat the treatment after intense rainfall or the reappearance of pests.The undoubted advantage of the fragrance repeller for liquid moles is immediate action - the full effectiveness of the agent reaches after approx. 1 -2 days.
Mice and rats, MolesRepeller type:
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