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Lid for metal feeder 18kg for poultry
Insular cover dedicated to metal 18 kg food used in poultry farming. The use of a feeder cover prevents the ingress of contaminants into the feed, and also provides protection against precipitation. The cover is made of high quality plastic in black. It is durable and resistant to difficult conditions, i.e. high and low temperatures, UV radiation. You can also buy capnik and kratka against spillage.
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Insular cover dedicated to metal 18 kg food used in poultry farming. The use of a feeder cover prevents the ingress of contaminants into the feed, and also provides protection against precipitation. The cover is made of high quality plastic in black. It is durable and resistant to difficult conditions, i.e. high and low temperatures, UV radiation. You can also buy capnik and kratka against spillage.
średnica 265 mmColor:
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