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Grand opening of a modern turkey rearing building in Czechl

On June 15, 2017, our company had the pleasure to participate in the ceremonial opening of the newly built turkey production hall. The facility is located in Czechel, belongs to the Olejniczak family. The chicken coop has been comprehensively equipped by FERMO. The 3360 m2 building in Czechl is thus one of the most modern production halls of this type in Europe. The goal of your Olejniczak family was to build a production hall in which the solutions and equipment used will meet all the criteria of a modern, energy-efficient and efficient facility. The assumption of FERMO from the beginning was to meet the expectations of investors. This is how a livestock building for the XXI century was created.

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A new level of farm management

The latest FERMO production computers allow you to go to the next level in the process of breeding management. They manage all systems and allow you to control each parameter of rearing, facilitate work and reduce physical interference in the production process to a minimum. Programmable curves of temperature, ventilation and inlets, or lighting. An extensive system of sensors, including (temperature, humidity, CO2, ammonia), intelligent weather station adjusting the control parameters to the current weather conditions, are just some of the features that determine the strength and huge capabilities of the computer , which enters the equipment of the chicken coop. In addition, the communication between the production computers and the smartphone or computer is via an Internet connection, which gives the convenience of use. The innovative system with the combination of monitoring inside and outside the facility allows you to supervise the production process at any time of the day or night without having to enter the facility. Thanks to this, the risk of transmission of diseases and germs is reduced to a minimum. The advanced FERMO FTA 2 control panel is an excellent protection in the event of problems, deviations from the assumed rearing parameters. Notifications about any incompatibility are automatically forwarded to the manager (or selected users) by e-mail, SMS or voice call. Thanks to this, regardless of the time of day or night, we can be sure that production is proceeding as planned.

Performance and energy efficiency

The culmination of the ceremony was a demonstration of the effectiveness of the ventilation system installed in the building. The effective visualization with the help of colored smoke from previously fired flares allowed the gathered guests to see the advantages of reliably working ventilation with the naked eye. After closing the air intakes and smoke of the facility, chimney fans were started, followed by peak fans and air mixers. The air in the building was quickly replaced with fresh air. The ventilation system consists of air intakes with a capacity of 3500 m3/h, chimney fans, as well as energy-saving fans and air mixers from the and . In the case of the heating system, efficiency and energy efficiency parameters were also guided. The use of heaters with a closed combustion chamber allowed to minimize energy loss - the efficiency of the heater is about 98%, and the exhaust gas discharge to the outside does not pollute the air and does not increase the humidity level in the building.

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After the shows, each of the guests could individually look at the equipment used in the chicken coop, talk to the investor, designer, as well as editors. The entire line of production computers and , as well as products from the series . The attention of the current guests was also drawn to the remote-controlled lighting system, which allows full adjustment of the light intensity and is characterized by very low energy consumption.

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The grand opening was attended by many people associated with the poultry industry. These were both private owners of kennels and representatives of companies in the industry. After the ceremonial ribbon cutting by the Olejniczak family, the act of consecration of the object was made by the parish priest of the local parish. During the speech, Mr. Karol Owczarek, the owner of fermo, thanked the hosts for their trust and excellent cooperation in the implementation and equipment of the chicken coop. At the end of the speech, the owner of FERMO thanked his employees for the effort and commitment put in during the work on this investment. The opening of the new livestock building was a great opportunity to exchange experiences between guests, discuss the future of the poultry industry in Poland, as well as try many dishes prepared from turkeys from the Olejniczak family farm. Thank you to all the guests present for coming.

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